Today, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a former Chief Minister of West Bengal and a prominent party leader in the CPI(M), passed away. He was 80 years old and had been in poor health for an extended period.
In 1966, while still a student, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya became a member of the Party. He was involved in various struggling student and juvenile movements.
In 1968, he assumed the position of state secretary for the West Bengal Democratic Youth Federation. In 1971, he was elected to the West Bengal state committee of the Party and was appointed to the state secretariat in 1982. During this time, Buddhadeb became a significant Party leader who fulfilled a variety of responsibilities as a dedicated cadre.
In 1985, Buddhadeb was elected to the Central Committee of the Party during the 12th Congress of the Party. In 2000, he was elected to the Polit Bureau. He played a significant role in the development of Party policies during his tenure as a member of the Polit Bureau until 2015.
Buddhadeb’s unique function was that of Chief Minister and Minister of the Left Front government, where he served for nearly three decades. In November 2000, he succeeded Jyoti Basu as the Chief Minister and was subsequently sworn in for an additional two mandates. Consequently, he had a significant influence on the Left Front government’s policies and approach. Buddhadeb significantly contributed to the expansion of cultural institutions and the preservation of progressive cultural values.
Literature was his obsession. He was a playwright, dramatist, and writer. He translated numerous international literary works into Bengali. He published a volume on the subject and wrote extensively about the changes in China. Buddhadeb, a devoted Communist, maintained a modest two-room residence during his tenure as Chief Minister and thereafter.
His death marked the conclusion of a chapter in the Communist and Left movement of West Bengal. He is survived by his wife Meera and son Suchetan.