Frontier India News Network

1472 Articles
Frontier India News Network is the in-house news collection and distribution agency.

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Reaper drone demonstrates submarine tracking

A General Atomics Reaper drone, better known as the Predator B, has demonstrated the capability to track a  MK-39 EMATT (Expendable Mobile ASW Training...

The Lady of Heaven movie labeled blasphemous by Pakistani radicals

Radical Islamists in Pakistan have forced the Imran Khan led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government to ban the movie The Lady of Heaven in the...

CRPF inducts Rakshita Motor Bike Ambulance

Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), a laboratory of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has built Rakshita Motor Bike ambulance...

Iranian ballistic missile destroys moving naval target at 1800 km distance

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is conducting Exercise Payambar-e Azam 15 (The Great Prophet 15) and has test fired a large number of...

660 MW Unit-2 of Meja Thermal Power Project trial run completed

The trial of the 660 MW Unit-2 of the Meja Thermal Power Project was successfully completed and consequently included in the installed capacity of...


U.S. and Iran Navigate Path Between War and Diplomacy

Despite issuing threats against Iran, White House leader Donald...

Reindustrialization Push: Trump’s Tariffs Aim to Bring Manufacturing Back to the U.S.

President Donald Trump addressed both chambers of the United...

Fading Memories of Our Bhatia Family in Pakistan

Origin of Bhatias Though the geographical origins of the Bhatia...

From Kfir to J-36: Lessons for India in Indigenous Fighter Jet Development

India stands at a critical juncture in its journey...