
Russia delivers AL-55I turbojet engines for the HAL HJT-36 Sitara trainer

United Engine Corporation (UEC), part of the Russian Rostec state tech corporation, delivered two NPO Saturn AL-55I turbojet engines to the HAL for the final...

Indian Air Force Academy at Dundigal flies over 20,500 hours in a year

"The Air Force Academy has flown over 20,500 hours over the last one year - the highest ever in our history," said the Air...

INS Trikand joins IN – EU NAVFOR Joint Naval Exercise in the Gulf of Aden

INS Trikand mission deployed for Anti-Piracy Operations is participating in the maiden IN – EU NAVFOR Joint Naval Exercise in the Gulf of Aden commencing...

Drone flying around INS Hamla in Malad West banned

The Indian Nany has prohibited flying drones or Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) around INS Hamla located at Marve Road, Malad (W).  "Flying non-conventional aerial objects (Drones/UAVs)...

Remembering Galwan Valley: Indian Troops Staved Off Chinese Death Squads

On this day last year Indian and Chinese troops were engaged in a bloody melee in the desolate Galwan valley. The Peoples Liberation Army...
