
One Virginia Class SSN a Year? Pentagon Budget Cuts Threaten US and Australian Navy Ambitions

The US Navy and the Pentagon have ambitious objectives and heavily depend on augmenting the production rates of the US naval industry to effectively...

‘Yenisei’ and ‘Valday’ Radars Boost Russia’s S-400 Air Defense Systems Against UAVs, Hypersonic Threats

The CEO of the scientific and production company Almaz-Antey, Gennady Bendersky, apprised Sergey Shoigu, the Russian Minister of Defence, on March 6th of successfully...

From Sniper Tank to Infantry Support: Challenger 2s Adapt to Ukraine’s War

The transfer of 14 British Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine marked Western Main Battle tanks' first arrival in Kyiv. This move opened the path...

Stealthy Nuclear Punch: F-35A Achieves Early Certification for B61-12 Guided Bomb

Five nations—Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Turkey—store B-61 thermonuclear weapons on their territory under NATO's nuclear sharing arrangement; the United States has sole...

Dark Horse! China’s NORINCO SH15 Joins CAESAr, ATMOS 2000, Zuzana 2 in Brazil’s VBCOAP 155 mm artillery Tender

The Brazilian army's equipment includes almost 60 multiple rocket launchers, Astros II/Astros 2020, capable of firing 127mm and 450mm ammunition, as well as...
