
Putin Threatens to Bankrupt American Oligarchs!

For the first time, Russia has taken a real step toward proportional compensation in the event of the seizure of its sovereign assets. On May 23,...

Poland Is Building ‘The Border Wall’ Russia Can’t Ignore

Poland is taking a major step to secure its eastern border, following the lead of the Baltic states. "Eastern Shield" is an enormous project that spans...

Ream Naval Base: China’s Strategic Foothold in Indo-Pacific to Encircle India?

In recent years, China has continuously stirred up trouble in the border areas between China and India. Although India has engaged in multiple rounds...

Trump’s Criticism of Lagging Allies Fuels Pressure on NATO Defense Budgets

British Foreign Minister David Cameron has urged NATO members to meet their commitment to spending 2% of their GDP on defense. According to DPA,...

Billions on Ice: The Legal Labyrinth of Seizing Russian Assets

When Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States (US) and its allies responded financially. They froze billions of dollars belonging to the Russian government and...
