Tag: Indian Defence
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A New World Order: The Geopolitical Impact of Ukraine Peace
Moscow and Washington are in Saudi Arabia to end...
The Business of Piracy: How Somali Pirates Turn Desperation into Profit
Why do negotiations with Somali Pirates Fail in the...
Piracy of the Modern Era: All you Need to Know!
Far removed from the sensationalized portrayals of Hollywood cinema,...
Beyond the Jolly Roger: What Pirates and Crypto Have in Common
Last week, I stumbled upon an engaging and thought-provoking...
DRDO AIP for submarines in works, but we need a nuclear-electric AIP
In 2015, I was fortunate to be the first media person to witness and report the existence of an Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) project...
The story of K-43 submarine under Soviet, Indian and Russian naval service
The lease contract was signed in July 1987 and the Indian Navy crew deputed to take over the submarine arrived in September for a refresher course as the skills had started to diminish over the intervening year and a half. The handing over process began in October and abruptly stopped as the author received an order to stop the process of transfer and stop access of foreign nationals to the submarine.
Indian AF develops Airborne Rescue Pod for Isolated Transportation – ARPIT
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has developed and deployed first-ever Indian Airborne Rescue Pod (ARPIT) meant for the evacuation of critical patients with infectious...