Bharat Dynamics Ltd. (BDL), the Indian state missile manufacturer, successfully field-fired a fire-and-forget man-portable anti-tank guided missile called Amogha-III on March 26, 2023. According to the company’s statement on social media, all of the mission objectives were completed successfully.
Amogh II is of the third generation. An electro-optical imager (IIR), a laser, or a W-band radar seeker can be found in the nose of a third-generation anti-tank missile. These missiles are known as “fire and forget” missiles because there is no need for additional guidance after they have been fired. This allows the operator to retreat immediately after firing the missile.
The in-house Research and Development Division of BDL is responsible for designing and developing the Amogha-III fire-and-forget Anti-Tank Guided Missile.
The missile has a minimum and maximum effective range of 2500 metres (0.2 to 2.5 km). Amogh III missile can hit the target in two ways: directly and from above (also called top attack). The man portable missile has a Tandem warhead that can penetrate Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) to over 650 millimetres. Normally a tank has 500 mm and more armour in the front, where the armour is the strongest, and an anti-tank missile with 650 mm penetration takes care of most of these threats.

This model has a Dual Mode Imaging Infra Red (IIR) Seeker. The aerodynamic shape, thrust Vector Control, smokeless fuel, and signature-free Propulsion System are some of the physical qualities. It is a soft launch missile, meaning the motor starts firing after the missile is ejected from the tube launcher.
BDL displayed Amogha – III at Defence Expo 2022, which was mounted on an Ashok Leyland light specialist vehicle. According to the firm, Ashok Leyland’s highly manoeuvrable light specialist vehicle has been modified to install the man-portable third-generation anti-tank guided weapon system Amogha – III. The company also stated that the modification enables rapid deployment across a longer distance of the man-portable anti-tank-guided weapon system.
During the exhibition, Amogh III weighed 18 kg, but BDL noted that the production model would be lighter, and the company intends to keep the missile’s weight between 15 and 16 kg. The full missile system comprises an Amogha – III missile, a tripod, and a command launch unit (CLU) with remote control capability.
The Amogha- III missile has a typical cylindrical fuselage equipped with eight folding mid-body fins and four somewhat bigger aft fins to provide flight stabilisation.

Both the Amogha I and the Amogha II are related missiles.
Amogha-1 Missile
The Semi Automatic Command to line of Sight (SACLOS) Amogha-1 is an Indian Anti-Tank Guided Missile of the second generation with a range of up to 2.8 km with pinpoint accuracy. It is currently being developed by BDL and is the first missile the company has created and tested. A semi-automatically controlled missile is what is known as a second generation anti-tank missile. The operator is responsible for ensuring the sight remains centred on the target until contact.
Two missile variants will be manufactured; the land version has already been tested. The IR variant of the missile employs sophisticated thermal vision before engaging the target.
The missile is guided using centroid tracking and terminal homing; it approaches the target on a parabolic trajectory but does not follow a perfectly parabolic trajectory like conventional projectiles. It then attacks the target by bending at a sharp angle.
BDL also manufactures MP ATGM, which resembles the specifications of Amogha I but uses an IIR seeker. The third-generation MP ATGM is derived from India’s Nag ATGM and is indigenously developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). This missile has a maximum range of 2.5 kilometres, and the flight lasts 17 seconds. It is Soft launched from a canister using an Ejection Motor. On induction, MPATGM will replace second generation MILAN and 9M113 Konkurs ATGMs currently deployed by the Indian Army infantry, paratrooper, and special forces.
Amogha II missile
The Amogha-II is a Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS) Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) for mechanised Infantry that uses Radio Frequency guidance. As of 2019, the missile was still in the early stages of development. On October 14, 2017, a successful test firing of Amogha-II was carried out using a launcher on the ground. Very little information on the missile is currently available.