Parth Satam

13 Articles
Parth Satam has worked with The Asian Age, Mid-Day and is presently a Principal Correspondent with Fauji India magazine. Parth maintains a keen interest in defence, aerospace and foreign affairs and has covered crime, national security and India's defence establishment for a decade. He can be reached on Email: satamp@gmail *Views are personal

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PM Modi’s Foreign policy failures begin to cost India dearly

As the former Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi stormed into the Prime Minister's office with promises of a radical change which also involved better...

ICMR’s Vaccine deadline controversy the ethics of ‘Human Challenge Trials’

As countries race to develop a vaccine against the SARS CoV-2 virus, experts debated conducting ‘human challenge trials' in an online seminar of the...

Rafale vs J-20 – Chinese have Catered for the ‘Mighty Dragon’s’ Weaknesses

Five Dassault Rafales – three single seat and two twin-seat – have touched down today at the Air Force Station Ambala. With the faceoff...

Alyosha -Not a Sudden Martyrdom for the ‘Right’, but a Lifelong Conviction

Situations calling upon quick physical courage, are either do or die matters, or when they serve as an opportunity to display bravado. Of course,...

Powers of the President of India – originally intended and what it is now?

Have the Presidents of India excercised their moral authority or bent down their knees to the elected governments due to their political affiliations?


Poland to Acquire American AH-64E Apache Guardian combat helicopters in Weeks

Colonel Robert Frommholz, Deputy Head of the Armament Agency...

New Arctic Strategy: Pentagon Seeks to Outpace Rivals in the Far North

On July 22, the Pentagon unveiled the National Strategy...

Terminator Army? US Military Going ROBOTIC by 2039!

A substantial portion of the American Army may be...

GCAP New Design Unveiled as 6th Generation Fighter’s face uncertainty Worldwide

The three main companies involved in the Global Combat...