
For improved battlefield communication, Boeing creates military satellites that can withstand jamming

On April 14, Boeing displayed its Protected Wideband Satellite (PWS) design. Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS)-11 will host the Protected Tactical SATCOM Prototype (PTS-P) payload...

Russia’s private company Geoscan to test launch technology for delivering smaller than nano, pico satellites

In the summer of 2023, the Russian company Geoscan aims to launch the StratoSat-TK1 school satellite from the Vostochny cosmodrome. With the satellite's assistance,...

Boeing delivers ViaSat-3 Americas made on a custom designed 702MP+ platform

Boeing announced the delivery of the 702MP+, a custom-designed spacecraft for network operator Viasat, the company's most powerful satellite platform. ViaSat-3 Americas puts the firm...

Inmarsat-6 F2 satellite arrives in Florida on an Airbus Beluga for launch

In preparation for its launch in February, the second Inmarsat-6 geostationary communications satellite (I-6 F2) made by Airbus has arrived at the Kennedy Space...

How does the human space activity look in 2050

Imagine that there are mining communities on the moon and floating resorts in Earth's orbit. People play sports in space, create energy in space,...
