HomeDefenseRussia and North Korea Sign "Mutual Defense" Pact

Russia and North Korea Sign “Mutual Defense” Pact


Russian President Vladimir Putin announced following talks with North Korean State Affairs Chairman Kim Jong-un that the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement signed by Russia and North Korea provides mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants.

Putin said that the agreement on comprehensive partnership signed today includes, among other things, the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants in this agreement.

In this context, the Russian leader drew attention to statements by the United States and other NATO countries about the supply of long-range precision weapons systems, F16 aircraft, and other similar weapons and equipment for strikes against Russian territory.

Putin emphasized that this is not just a statement; it is already happening, and it is a gross violation of the commitments taken by Western countries within various international obligations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in North Korea
Russian President Vladimir Putin in North Korea

The Russian President also stated that Russia does not rule out developing military-technical cooperation with North Korea in connection with the signed Strategic Partnership Agreement.

Earlier on Wednesday, it was reported that Putin and Kim Jong-un signed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two countries, a new agreement that replaces the fundamental documents between Russia and North Korea signed in 1961, 2000, and 2001.

Before signing the document, the state leaders held negotiations: first in a delegation format, then one-on-one. Their conversation lasted about two hours.

“Today, a new fundamental document has been prepared, which will form the basis of our relations for the long term,” the President of Russia said.

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