The lease contract was signed in July 1987 and the Indian Navy crew deputed to take over the submarine arrived in September for a refresher course as the skills had started to diminish over the intervening year and a half. The handing over process began in October and abruptly stopped as the author received an order to stop the process of transfer and stop access of foreign nationals to the submarine.
The fight over land and property in India among the siblings after the death of parents in most common household story. Property disputes among siblings of high profile families often make headlines.
Tapping the human need to look attractive which equates beauty with intelligence and competence (Louise Philippe, Van Heusen, Allen Solly) or introducing a genuinely superior feature in an existing range of products (the gel pen, toothbrushes that could brush gums or Gillette razors) are examples where people were willing to pay 100% to 200% more.