Finance & Markets

ONGC is to spend about USD 4 billion for exploration in the next three years

Maharatna, the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), says that it has made a significant move toward reducing oil imports and becoming self-sufficient in...

Saudi Arabia wants Russia in OPEC, EU’s Russian Oil embargo broken by Greece, Malta and Cyprus

Saudi Arabia hopes to create a new agreement with OPEC +, which, despite sanctions, will include Russia. The intention was announced by the Minister...

India should make most of HDPE to remain relevant

One product which is seeing a steady growth in demand in India is high-density polyethylene, usually referred to as HDPE. The launch of the...

Europe gets a taste of sanctions as Russia begins Gas blockades

Russia could stop its gas supplies to Finland, whose authorities have expressed their willingness to join NATO. The Finnish daily 'Iltalehti', citing sources covered...

Russian discounted oil sales to India might get it into conflict with OPEC

Unlike Natural Gas, the price of which Russia can privately negotiate, oil prices are controlled by the OPEC + cartel. If Russia starts dumping oil, then we can bring discontent on the part of OPEC.
