Human Interest

10 years without Steve Jobs, Apple’s genius and mind

The genius and the mind of Apple died at the age of 56 on October 5, 2011, killed by pancreatic cancer. From a small...

216000 victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in France since 1950

A report of the independent commission by the bishops reports that there have been about 216 thousand victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests...

Captain Ram Singh Thakuri – The Fading notes of the Singing Soldier

While heated debates raged in the recent past on whether one should stand up for the National Anthem or if it is a violation...

The name of the Facebook Mole who said ‘Hate on social media makes money’ is Frances Haugen

The Facebook 'mole' revealed his identity to CNN, reiterating the accusation that Facebook is aware that its platforms spread hatred, violence and disinformation, but...

Mystery: The lost treasure of Subhash Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army

Tales of lost treasures have always captured the imagination of humankind since times immemorial. From the legend of El Dorado to the mysterious Nazi...
