
SkyGuardian, Reaper and Grey Eagle drones closer to get air-to-air laser communication ahead of the USAF AFWERX programme

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has completed an air-to-air laser communication link between two company-owned King Air aircraft equipped with Laser Airborne Communication...

Is Russia really upgrading 800 T-62 tanks?

Russia - Ukraine conflict is rife with speculations, and one among them is Russia upgrading mind boggling 800 T-62 tanks.  The news source of the...

Indian Government rams domestic built HAL HTT-40 trainer aircraft into IAF’s throat, breaking global hegemony

The current Air Chief Marshal of the Indian Air Force (IAF), Vivek Ram Chaudhari, will ultimately not have won. The Indian Government announced on...

India arms BMP-2 Sarath IFV with Israeli Spike LR ATGM and PALM-1250 drone

At the 12th International Exhibition of Land and Naval Weapons (Defence Expo-22), held in the Indian city of Gandhinagar, a modernised Russian BMP-2M prototype...

Western expensive Air Defence no counter for the Shahed-136, the E.U. sanction Iranian drone General 

The debris of the 'Made in Iran' UAV used by Russia against targets in Ukraine, the Shahed-136 that the Kyiv forces have dubbed the "lawn mowers"...
