
Russia’s most powerful and quiet Yasen nuclear attack submarines could be patrolling U.S. waters in 2 years

Thursday, March 23, the chief of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Russia's most powerful and silent nuclear attack...

Russian forces destock old T-54 tanks produced in the 1950s

Since the T-62s were pushed in the conflict, the Russian Ministry of Defense continues to utilise Soviet arsenals. A train of T-54 (and T-55)...

What are depleted uranium shells that Ukraine will receive, and why is it “not a dirty bomb”

Providing depleted uranium shells, along with Challenger 2 tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces is planned to be a component of the military assistance...

The United States Air Force is undergoing a profound transformation

In FY2024, the budget that Joe Biden's administration wants for the Department of Defense is $842 billion. This is a 3.2% increase from the...

Taboos are breaking, after Poland, Slovakia is ready to ship Mig-29s to Ukraine

Taboos regarding military aid to Ukraine are slowly being broken down one by one. Until now, Ukraine's partners have been cautious about probable combat...
