
Indian Air Force’s Future Shock: The Dynamic Dimensions of Modern Air Warfare

In an era characterised by rapid technological progress, air combat is undergoing a fundamental transformation. The convergence of swarm drones, artificial intelligence (AI), machine...

Lip Service Nationalism: Are Politicians Exploiting Patriotism for Votes?

The timeless Chetwoode Motto of the Indian Military Academy, "The safety, honour, and welfare of your country come first, always and every time. The honour,...

India’s Identity Crisis: Unpacking the India to Bharat Name Change Controversy

It's possible that the government of India would consider switching the country's name from "India" to "Bharat," which is India's name in Hindi.  The Constitution...

Serving the Nation: A Legacy of Valor and Resilience by India’s Armed Force

The British Government rejected options involving withdrawal from India for strategic reasons; they proceeded to work out the quantum of British troops that were...

Grandstanding to NATO – Finland’s Self-Inflicted Woes with Russia

The bilateral relationship between Russia and Finland (once a neutral country) has worsened significantly since Finland's membership in NATO without provocation, which Russia sees...
