
Spain stops Russian Navy ships from entering Port Ceuta

Spain has stopped Russian Navy ships from entering the Ceuta port as per the Spanish publication El Confidencial. As per the report, on August 18,...

Turkey modernizes third Agosta 90B submarine of the Pakistan Navy

Turkey’s STM Technologies (Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş.) has begun the work on modernizing the third Agosta Class Submarine said the company’s general...

Afghanistan, Taliban fire on demonstrators in Jalalabad: at least 2 dead

Despite the assurances of the Taliban, on the third day of the Islamic Emirate there is chaos and tensions in some cities of Afghanistan....

Afghanistan Withdrawal – US vs the Soviet Union

There are many ways to lose the war in Afghanistan. The hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan, a highly criticized one, is a stark contrast...

Europe fears dominance of Russia and China in Afghanistan, want Indian role

The European Parliament has called on the EU to develop a new strategy for Afghanistan in view of the change of power in this...
