Respiratory ailments (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease + Lower Lung infection) kill 60 Lakhs people globally every year as per the World Health Organisation (WHO). The current ongoing ailment is part of Flu Like Illness (FLI) and has identical symptoms of FLI, which can kill up to 650000 people each year as per WHO data. In the USA alone as per Centre for Disease Control (CDC) estimates influenza was associated with more than 48.8 million illnesses, more than 22.7 million medical visits, 959,000 hospitalizations, and 79,400 deaths during the 2017–2018 influenza season.
Most of the deaths happen because of acute inflammation resulting in Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) then to sepsis and septic shock leading to multiple organ dysfunction (MOD). Septic shock is caused either by virus or bacterial infection which lead to MOD where many organs are damaged including blood clots contributing to Thromboembolism at different organs like brain and lung. The following diagram is a general description of death caused by Respiratory infection leading to sepsis and septic shock, MOD and death. What you have to remember is that there’s no difference between COVID caused by SARS COV2 virus and FL I with respect to the clinical symptoms.

The following important questions need to addressed:
Is SARS COV2 a Novel / New Virus? | No |
Is it true that SARS COV2 has No Known Immunity | No |
Has WHO given information/link (which opens) regarding this Novel Virus? | No |
Is the virus purified? | No |
Is it established SARS COV2 the causative agent of the current ailment? | As per Koch’s / River postulates – NO |
Does the RT PCR test designed to detect the infective SARS COV2? | No |
Has Dr Mullis the discoverer of RT PCR Nobel Laureate approved RT PCR for Diagnostic purpose? | No |
If SARS COV2, not a Novel virus can you declare Covid19 Pandemic? | ( Maha Mari)? NO |
If it is not Pandemic can you declare the Disaster Management Act? | ? |
If it is not Pandemic can you activate NDMA/SDMA to prevent unproven Pandemic spreading? | ? |
As per the ICMR serosurvey, the current ailment kills only around 8 RT PCR test positive (which they loudly announced as Covid Cases) among 10000 people who are RT-PCR positive. Around 5000 RT PCR +ves (also called Covid positive) don’t even know that they have the disease! Another 4000 RT PCR positive have very very mild symptoms which all of us have encountered an umpteen number of times in our lifetime. Another 900 RT PCR positive people have moderate symptoms which we have encountered enough number of times.
Remember, SARS COV2 should cause Severe Acute Respiratory distress, as the name suggests Severe Acute Respiratory distress is part of the viral infection, which means you should observe visible Respiratory Distress. However, only a handful of Covid positive people among 10000 RT PCR positive have respiratory distress. Is it not confusing for a test which correlates with Respiratory distress among just a handful of people from 10000 RT PCR positive people?. It means the test has no relation to the disease or it is a mild flu. One needs to consider comorbidity with critical ailments listed above and coinfection with bacteria and other viruses among the Covid 19 patients.
The method of declaring Covid deaths (Drawn from ICMR website which is a copy of CDC USA): All Covid positives after death are declared Covid bodies including critical patients who have cancer, heart ailment, kidney failure, Stroke, Serious diabetes and other critical injuries. Even accident victims who test positive are declared Covid bodies. All Covid negative patients are also declared as Covid bodies if the doctor decides he has respiratory problems and heart problems. When somebody dies he breathes his last and his heart stops. Naturally mild respiratory and heart problems are part of any death. As stated above this virus should cause Severe Acute Respiratory distress, which means you should observe visible Respiratory Distress.
Majority of covid 19 positives are asymptomatic and don’t show a nether increase in body temperature nor reduced SPO2. Under such circumstances, trying to implicate covid 19 patients with critical ailments as Covid death is difficult to understand. When Covid positive test does not correlate with the disease symptoms how come the Covid negative test the patient becomes Covid body.??
An ailing Bejan Daruwalla famous acclaimed astrologer around 90-year-old with multiple problems like Diabetes Pneumonia, stroke was declared dead with covid19 and wrapped it in plastic against the pleading and grieving family members, who insisted that he did not die of Covid, is unfortunate.
Dr Fauci the advisor to the President of USA says in the editorial of the journal NEJM that SARS COV2 is an ordinary flu virus.
Patients whose RT PCR is not tested are also declared Covid bodies if the doctor decides. A dead body is the least infective because unlike bacteria virus needs live human cells and the dead body has no energy to support the Virus growth and the dead body cannot breathe, talk and hence cannot spread the virus. I find wrapping the body in plastic, which does not transmit the virus is the most inhumane treatment to the departed soul. Then what is the relevance of the RT PCR test?? This test detects viral nucleic acid as low as 30 nucleosides (basic unit of viral RNA). The Complete virus has 30000 nucleosides. The RNA fragments are not infective. That is why very few people go through the severe distress causing Pneumonia. Dr Mullis the discoverer of RT PCR and Nobel Laureate pleads for not using RT PCR for Diagnostic purpose because it is faulty.
Thanks sir for your valuable information, still I want more clarification on this.
Thank you sir. This is really informative article. I completely agree with your thought of SIRS leading to septic shock and finally multiple organ dysfunction as a major cause of death in this case.