The Anime Industry has always produced the best stories ever and it still continues to give us Top Notch Series. Be it Action, Thriller, Horror, Romance or any genre, there is absolutely nothing that beats Anime stories. Following is a list of 5 short anime series with less than 25 episodes that will make you forget about the world!
The Promised Neverland

We will start with the best. The anime series titled as “The best 12-episode Anime ever made” ie. The Promised Neverland will not fail to ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND! Little orphanage kids wait for their turns to get adopted. One day, they step out of the orphanage for some reason and to their surprise, the world around them is full of… things not Human! I will not give any further hints as for what happens but trust me, THIS ANIME SERIES WILL CONSUME YOU!

If you’re a fan of thriller, horror and suspense, then there is nothing better than “Another” for you. Sakakibara, a 15-year-old student transfers to a new school with a weird tradition. Long ago a student had died in the middle of the academic year. Devastated by the loss, her classmates and teachers keep believing that she’s alive and is present in the classroom. Here, Sakakibara meets Mei Misaki, a quite mysterious girl whom their classmates and teachers seem to ignore. From the very first episodes, students start to die in brutal and gruesome ways and realise that the deaths are connected with the old tradition of the school. The classmates try to find a way to stop the deaths and things take amazing turns. With only 13 episodes, the ending is just WOAH!
Your Lie in April

Your lie in April, with 22 episodes is hands down one of the best emotional stories ever! A very young pianist prodigy is left in trauma after his mother dies. Left in such a mental state where he cannot hear the melody of his piano even though his hearing otherwise is just fine. He also cannot see the world as we do. For him, the world is in monochrome. But all soon changes as he meets this new musician girl with a wild spirit, both in life and performing music. Soon things start getting along when suddenly a tragic news is received. I can bet a thousand rupees that YOU WILL CRY DURING THE ENDING!
The God of Highschool

A 17-year-old martial artist, Mori Jin, is intrigued by a mysterious fighting tournament, named, “The God of Highschool” with fighters of all kinds. The Winning Prize? Whatever you wish, the host will make the wish come true, no questions asked. As the tournament advances, our protagonist befriends some fighters as they continue to fight with otherworldly powers. Gods, Demons, Mythical Creatures and what not. If you’re a fan of thrillers and action, these 13 episodes will be one of the best times you’ve spent watching a series.
Zankyou no Terror aka Terror in Resonance

If you’ve ever watched “Death Note” This Anime is for you. Two kids with a stolen prototype atomic bomb, make a video about how they will keep destroying “Tokyo” until a cryptic riddle is solved. These kids have the IQs of Einstein. On the other hand, the person who is trying to solve the mystery is no less and is a genius in his own league. This suspenseful, thriller, action packed psychological series with only 11 Episodes is one of the best ever written anime. If you love mysteries, YOU WILL LOVE IT!