Frontier India News Network

1465 Articles
Frontier India News Network is the in-house news collection and distribution agency.

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Moody’s reduced Baa3 rating for India citing Modi governments fiscal mismanagement

Moody's Investors Service ('Moody's') has downgraded the Government of India's foreign-currency and local-currency long-term issuer ratings, and local-currency senior unsecured rating to Baa3 from...

Philippine Navy BRP Ramon Alcaraz and BRP Davao Del Sur in Kochi, India

Two ships of Philippine Navy BRP Ramon Alcaraz and BRP Davao Del Sur which were in Kochi for an extended duration departed on 27 May...


Piracy of the Modern Era: All you Need to Know!

Far removed from the sensationalized portrayals of Hollywood cinema,...

Fort Knox Mystery Deepens: Calls for Audit Grow as Gold Prices Soar Past $2,900

On February 17, global media spread sensational news: the...

Beyond the Jolly Roger: What Pirates and Crypto Have in Common

Last week, I stumbled upon an engaging and thought-provoking...

Fighter Jets vs. Armed Drone Swarms: The Future of Indian Aerial Warfare

The recent Aero India event and the Indian Prime...