
ISRO’s Ambitious Venus Mission: Equipment Ready, But Launch Date Uncertain

The head of the Indian Space Research Organisation, Sridhara Somnath, announced on September 27 that the organisation had produced equipment for the planned expedition to...

Iran’s Noor 3 Satellite Achieves Orbit at 450 km Altitude, Rides on Domestic Ghased Rocket

Using a satellite carrier called "Ghased" built in Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force successfully sent the imaging satellite Noor 3 into...

Aditya-L1 Spacecraft Ventures Closer to the Sun, Begins studying solar wind particles

The Aditya-L1 spacecraft, which belongs to India and is dedicated to solar study, has started gathering scientific data on the sun. The Indian Space...

ISRO Confirms Sulphur Presence on Moon’s Surface via ‘Pragyan’ Rover”

According to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the Indian lunar rover "Pragyan" has completed its first set of measurements on the composition of...

Space Giants Voyager and Airbus Team Up to Create Starlab, the Future ISS Replacement

Voyager Space (Voyager), a company that specialises in space exploration, and Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus), announced on August 2 that they have reached...
