Home Defense DSIT’s DogFish to be unveiled at UDT 2024

DSIT’s DogFish to be unveiled at UDT 2024

The DogFish Sonar System, developed by DSIT SOLUTIONS, an Israeli military equipment manufacturer, will be unveiled at UDT 2024 for the first time. This system is designed to identify underwater threats posed by small manned and unmanned underwater vehicles, including mini-subs, semi-submersibles, AUVs/UUVs, and SDVs. The system exhibits extended detection ranges and high resolution across diverse depths and acoustic environments.

DogFish Sonar System: An innovative new solution designed to autonomously detect, monitor, and classify underwater threats at a range of sea depths in both littoral and deep waters, including submarines, mini-submarines, semi-submersible vehicles, moored mines, AUVs/UUVs, and underwater drones. Operating in either active or passive mode or concurrently in both active and passive modes, the system is well-suited for a diverse array of ASW and HLS missions and tactical scenarios.

DSIT's DogFish
DSIT’s DogFish

Multiple clients are reportedly contemplating incorporating the DogFish Sonar System into their AUV fleets because of its exceptional performance, which can be adjusted to accommodate any dimension of submerged vehicle or vessel, as stated in a company announcement.

According to Shmuel Farbiyash, CEO of DSIT, the DogFish will increase the protection and underwater awareness of any navy’s littoral and coastal waters. Like its other sonar systems, the DogFish leverages the latest advancements in DSIT and its distinctive acoustics analysis capabilities to power its functions. This includes adapting tried-and-true solutions that incorporate automated algorithms and cutting-edge signal processing techniques. Together with the company’s advanced autonomous capabilities, these technologies generate a critical level of underwater situational awareness necessary for protecting contemporary underwater environments.



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