Home India Indian Government Introduces Game-Changing Birth Certificate Policy

Indian Government Introduces Game-Changing Birth Certificate Policy

After a substantial change that is likely to occur with the birth certificate, the value of the birth certificate will significantly increase. The Indian government is formulating new policies, one of which will pertain to the birth certificate. The government introduced this measure in the House of Parliament. On August 13, the Ministry of Home Affairs notified the public. Beginning on October 1, only the birth certificate will be acceptable as a single form of identification.

You won’t need any more documentation after this rule goes into effect because there won’t be a need for them. With this document, you can do everything that needs to be done, including getting admitted, obtaining a driving licence, passport, and Aadhar card, amongst other things.

The government is preparing a database 

The Aadhar cards of the child’s parents will now be connected to the child’s birth certificate. Almost every government office, including hospitals, will have access to this information’s database. The government intends to establish a database to handle the information regarding births and deaths better. During the monsoon session, this bill was approved for passage.

This will put an end to the hassle

When this regulation is implemented, people won’t need to worry about getting their names added to the voter list because their names will be added to the list on their own accord after it has been implemented. In addition, this information will be updated with the Election Commission whenever someone passes away, and the name of the individual who has passed away will be deleted from the voter list.

What is a birth certificate? 

A birth certificate is essential in every individual’s life since it certifies the personal information associated with their birth. Birth certificates can be obtained from the individual’s state of birth. It is issued at the time of birth and can be picked up at the nearest hospital or government office during the first 21 days after a child is born. In addition to that, you may also get it online.



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