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Japan raises alarm over Military Activities in the Region, Warns of China’s 1,500 Nuclear Warheads by 2035

The Japanese Ministry has released a report titled “Japan Defence 2023” that addresses the 5-year defence objectives and programme. The research stressed that ever since the end of World War II, the country has been presented with the most severe and complicated security environment. It was emphasised that North Korea, China, and Russia have considerably improved their regional military capabilities and that their rapidly intensifying military activities threaten Japan’s security.

According to the report, the rapid growth of armaments in the region, including nuclear weapons and missiles, has increased the tendency to alter the status quo unilaterally.

The report also included statements regarding the contested islands referred to as “Dokdo” by South Korea and “Takeshima” by Japan. The report addressed the sovereignty disputes between the two countries over these islands, which have a total area of 0.2 square kilometres.

According to the report, Japan regards the airspace above these islands as part of its territorial airspace, and in 2019, Russian aircraft allegedly violated it.

PLA Rocket Force prepare DF-16 ballistic missile systems
PLA Rocket Force prepare DF-16 ballistic missile systems. Image: China Mil, Photo by Zhang Fe

According to the report, Japan will pursue a defence-oriented policy to sustain the vision of a “free and open Indo-Pacific” and to ensure the peace and security of the region.

Concerning specific threats, the report emphasised that North Korea’s military activities pose a greater and more imminent danger to Japan’s national security than ever before. Concern was also expressed regarding Russia’s military activities in the Indo-Pacific region and its strategic coordination with China, raising security concerns.

China’s current foreign policy and military activities have been identified as a major concern for Japan and the international community, posing a strategic challenge without precedent. According to the report, China is expected to possess 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035 and to increase military pressure on Taiwan, which could exacerbate regional tensions and pose a security threat, particularly to the islands of southeastern Japan.

The report defined three fundamental goals of the National Security Strategy to bolster defence capabilities. These objectives include establishing a security environment that prohibits unilateral changes to the status quo, maintaining cooperation with allies, and responding promptly to attempts to alter the status quo through cooperation. Additionally, the report emphasised that if Japan’s borders are violated, the country will repel such incursions with the assistance of its allies.

According to the paper, for Japan to achieve these objectives, the country would primarily emphasise strengthening its military capabilities and expanding its collaboration with the United States and other countries pursuing strategies that are analogous to its own.

According to the report, the defence budget for 2019-2023 was approximately $123 billion, while the new 5-year planning period budget is roughly $312 billion.

The report stated that Japan would invest in integrated air, missile, and unmanned defence over the next five years. Special emphasis will be placed on bolstering the missile defence system in open seas and airspace, particularly against missile attacks.



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