
Significant risks in Rupee – Ruble trade for Russia, but safer than Dollar – Euro trade

The President of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), Ajay Sahay, announced Monday that India would begin using the Rupee in trade transactions...

China – Saudi Arabia dynamics and the diminishing utility of the US in the region

China and Saudi Arabia are getting closer to the stage where Chinese leaders are labelling it as the most significant diplomatic event that has...

Leopard 2 A4 vs T-72 battle expected as Germany prepares to supply tanks to Ukraine

Ukraine and Germany are close to an agreement on direct deliveries of German Leopard 2 tanks to Kyiv, Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Oleksiy Makeev...

Double Engine, Double Trouble? How India Must Learn From Pakistan’s Folly

An article in the Pakistani daily Dawn has an interesting perspective on the slogan "ab ki bar double engine ki sarkar", which is Prime...

Iran to dismantle the morality police, but it is too early to talk about the “softening of Islamic norms” 

It would appear that the months-long demonstrations that some Iranians have been holding "against the dictatorship and for women's rights" have produced some consequences....
