
Closer Russian-Indian Coordination On Afghanistan Is Mutually Important

Russian President Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi held a phone call with one another earlier this week where they pledged to coordinate more...

New India, Old Police: The Absolute State of Police Reforms in the India

“The police force is far from efficient, it is defective in training and organizing, it is inadequately supervised, it is generally regarded as corrupt,...

Containing China: Will Taiwan go Nuclear?

‘International Policeman’ has established an exemplary and outstanding demonstration of ‘how not to execute a military withdrawal?’ Korean and Vietnam misadventures pale into insignificance...

Five Lessons That India Should Learn From Its Afghan Fiasco

The Taliban's Afghan takeover carries with it five very important lessons that Indian strategists should seriously reflect on. The South Asian Great Power completely...

Here’s How India Can Become A Global Humanitarian Superpower Through Afghanistan

The Taliban’s blitzkrieg through Afghanistan has prompted concerns about an impending humanitarian crisis. Of particular concern is the fate of the country’s minorities and...
