
Shut Up Biden!, E.U. leaders after his outburst on Putin, rating dip in the U.S.

U.S. President Joe Biden proves his rival Donald Trump right in many ways. Biden's latest outbursts on Putin has earned him censure from his...

Hunter Biden’s fund, pathogen project U-Pi-2, British and German labs – Russia exposes murky links to biological laboratories in Ukraine

Rosemont Seneca investment fund, an investment fund led by Hunter Biden, the son of current U.S.President Joe Biden, is involved in financing bio laboratories...

Australia to build a space ‘armour’ to counter China’s ambitions in space

The Australian government announced on March 22 the creation of a military space command modelled on the United States Space Force. "Space is increasingly crowded...

Upgraded ASMPA missile tested on Rafale, France to begin production of nuclear capable missile

France successfully tested on Wednesday the modernized version of its ASMPA (Air-Sol Moyenne Portee) nuclear missile without a warhead, which is part of the...

NATO backed Polish peacekeeping force – Does Poland wants to annex Western Ukraine?

Russia today warned NATO against the possible deployment of peacekeeping forces in Ukraine, predicting that it would provoke military confrontations between troops from Russia...
