The mayor of the city of Lviv, Andriy Sadovoy, wrote today in his Telegram channel about the attack on one of the military facilities. We are talking about the Lviv Aircraft Repair Plant (LGARZ). LGARZ is part of the state concern “Ukroboronprom”.
According to the Lviv mayor, several rockets hit the territory of the aircraft repair enterprise.
Sadovoy wrote that the work of the Lviv Aircraft Repair Plant was previously stopped. There were no people on the premises. Therefore, there are no casualties as a result of a missile attack on the LGARZ.
The buildings and workshops of the enterprise were destroyed. Representatives of public utilities are on the site, he said.
As per information, the military airfield, which was operated by LGARZ, was also destroyed.
According to the air command “West” of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, six cruise missiles, probably X-555, were fired from the Black Sea. Two missiles were destroyed by means of anti-aircraft missile forces.
Russia had already issued warnings
The official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov, had voiced a warning that attacks on military facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine would continue.
The warning was again issued after Russia said that Ukraine attacked Donbas with a Tochka-U tactical missile resulting in civilian casualties.
Poland Mig-29 transfer plan again receives a setback
With the destruction of the Lviv plant, NATO may not be able to send the MiG-29 planes to Ukraine.
Russia said it had information that if MiG-29 fighters were delivered to Ukraine from the countries of Eastern Europe, then they could be delivered in truck vans to LHARZ, where they would be assembled with subsequent transfer to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the repair of MiG-29 fighters was mastered at the Lviv Aircraft Repair Plant. In the mid-2000s, information from LGARZ stated that it was upgrading equipment so that the enterprise could not only repair combat aircraft but also modernize them. Also, the company carried out repair and modernization work on such aircraft as the MiG-21, MiG-23 and MiG-27. Export work was also carried out.
By 2021, Ukraine had repaired almost all of its MiG-29 fighters as per the statement of the head of LGARZ, Dmytro Matrunchyk, in an interview with the ARMIAINFORM, the official news agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

“Since 2014, more than ten MiG-29s have been upgraded at the Lviv State Aviation Repair Plant. In total, during this time, almost 40 aircraft were repaired and delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including five combat trainers,” he said.
It was estimated that Ukraine had 43 to 51 MiG-29s, including five to eight combat trainers (MiG-29UB), in the service before the Russian special operations began.
Dmytro did not elaborate on where he sourced the spare parts, components and engines from. It is assumed that these parts were mothballed from Mig-29s of East European nations. The MiG-29s inherited by Ukraine are from 9-13 series, produced since 1986.
There is also a talk that the Lviv plant was also engaged in the modernization of the MiG-29 to versions MU1 and MU2. The information is not verified as only the manufacturer can upgrade it.