SpaceX showed Super Heavy and Starship engines

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, hinted in the spring that his company has plans for the early colonization of Mars. Under the meme with the question "when will the landing on Mars," Elon Musk left an ultra-short comment - "2029".

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Frontier India News Network
Frontier India News Network
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The American corporation SpaceX Elon Musk published two photos on Twitter, where he showed a huge “bunch” of 33 Raptor engines on a Super Heavy rocket and a Starship ship.

Some nozzles are highlighted in colour, which may indicate the use of non-serial models.

Earlier, Elon Musk published photos showing the giant Starship SN24 and announced the first orbital test flight.

The head of SpaceX said that in addition to the shown Starship SN24, there would be one prototype of it, ready for launch at the end of the summer.

Refinement of the Starship

In February 2022, Musk announced that SpaceX would soon begin to produce more of the engines needed for the ship. According to him, by the end of this year, the company will launch a monthly production of a new Starship with a launch vehicle.

SpaceX plans to launch Starship from NASA spaceports in Florida.

Recall that the Starship is designed for flights to Mars and is designed for 100 people on board. Moreover, this technique will be used repeatedly.

SpaceX has already tested this cruiser within the Earth’s atmosphere, and only in one of the cases did the ship survive and not collapse.

But SpaceX still flies successfully into space, though not on Starship, but on Crew Dragon Endurance.

In early May, the rocket of this company delivered four astronauts from the ISS to Earth. The Crew Dragon Endurance splashdown occurred in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, and the technique delivered four astronauts to Earth.


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