Frontier India News Network

1472 Articles
Frontier India News Network is the in-house news collection and distribution agency.

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Immunity through better intestinal health with probiotics against COVID-19

The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic has pushed people around the world into intensified search to build immunity through supplements and natural ways. A study...

PPE kit use doesn’t automatically protect health workers against COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has brought attention to the inadequacy of infrastructure for the medical staff resulting in high risk of contracting severe acute...

Indian AF develops Airborne Rescue Pod for Isolated Transportation – ARPIT

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has developed and deployed first-ever Indian Airborne Rescue Pod (ARPIT) meant for the evacuation of critical patients with infectious...

Moody’s reduced Baa3 rating for India citing Modi governments fiscal mismanagement

Moody's Investors Service ('Moody's') has downgraded the Government of India's foreign-currency and local-currency long-term issuer ratings, and local-currency senior unsecured rating to Baa3 from...

Philippine Navy BRP Ramon Alcaraz and BRP Davao Del Sur in Kochi, India

Two ships of Philippine Navy BRP Ramon Alcaraz and BRP Davao Del Sur which were in Kochi for an extended duration departed on 27 May...


Fading Memories of Our Bhatia Family in Pakistan

Origin of Bhatias Though the geographical origins of the Bhatia...

From Kfir to J-36: Lessons for India in Indigenous Fighter Jet Development

India stands at a critical juncture in its journey...

How U.S. Disengagement is Reshaping Alliances Worldwide

As the geopolitical landscape evolves, major shifts in global...

Is the EU Becoming a Military Bloc? Rising Concerns Over Militarization

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced plans...