The pursuit of lost yantra is a spiritual thriller written by Dr. Sachin Kaushik, who is a senior consultant psychiatrist, who has established the now famous Mind Peace Clinic at Panchkula, India. Book’s two characters, Dr. Siddharth and Rumi, embark on their journey of self-discovery to find the true purpose of their life. The book talks about self-discovery, patience, love, faith, and mindfulness.
Dr. Siddharth is a psychiatrist at Apex Institute of Medical Sciences which is in Rishikesh whereas Rumi is a beautiful Bengali girl who lives with her mother in Kolkata. The book takes us on a tremendous journey with Dr. Siddharth who is searching for the extraordinary through the valleys of mystery, history, and love. He was once a very famous psychiatrist but now has lost his true purpose and is now an alcohol addict. Soon he has to make a risky decision that will change his life forever. He is juggling between his so-called stable life and dangerous pursuit of a 4000-year-old mystic yantra. Humanity’s faith depends on the discovery of the yantra whose time of revelation was guarded for millennia.
Dr. Siddharth chooses a path that will lead him to new challenges, question his beliefs and help him discover his true purpose of existence. The book shows us a rollercoaster ride that Dr. Siddharth and Rumi undertake searching for answers and in the end achieving a new perspective towards life.
This book helps us to seek the Oasis of wisdom. It helps us to understand that we all have a spark of extraordinary inside us. We only need the right motivation. People go on with their lives merrily surviving with fear, instead of living as if they are going to get a medal in the end. We humans forget to live in the moment as we are engrossed in our humdrum life. Death is certain for all of us, then why do we fear facing our life? The book teaches us to be more human and do things and tasks that will benefit humanity.

Dr. Sachin Kaushik in his book ‘The Pursuit of Lost Yantra’ tells us we should not waste our life trying to achieve phony dreams of money, running behind power and fame. Instead, we should live in the moment, enjoy every moment, because happiness is a realisation and not a pursuit.
From the very beginning till the end the book keeps us glued to it’s amazing story. After reading the book I understood that coincidence is a meaningful event. We should learn to interpret the signs that life gives us in different circumstances. There’s a meaning behind everything and all the answers lie in the universe. Us humans are engrossed in this rat race and we just forget what relationships really mean. We are so self-obsessed that we just forget to give importance to the people closest to us. We should always remember the golden rule of any relationship: EQUALITY. The biggest drawback in the relationship comes when we think we are superior to others. Nature has created equal beings and all other labels are fake.
Instead of living in the past and pondering over the future, we should live in the present. We should have eternal mindfulness, we must be aware about the past and impersonal future. We need awareness to understand that life is not a mere accident but has happened for a reason. This book has made me realise that instead of striving for perfection we should just do what we know because it’s okay to be vulnerable. No one is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect living in this perfectly imperfect life.
This book will take the audience on an edgy, thrilling adventure. It will help us discover the most vital questions of life which might be the answers that we have been searching for all our lives!