Some Random Thoughts on Jammu Counter Insurgency Operations

Infiltration by Pakistani-backed terrorists plagues Jammu due to porous borders and weak intelligence. The article proposes a multi-pronged approach: boosting security forces with real-time intelligence and advanced equipment, winning over locals with development and good governance, and applying strong diplomatic and economic pressure on Pakistan.

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Col NN Bhatia (Retd)
Col NN Bhatia (Retd)
Col NN Bhatia (Retd), besides being a combat military veteran is perhaps the only freelance consultant in Industrial Security. He has audited large numbers of core strategic industries in both private and public sectors such as Aeronautics, Airports, Banks, Defence, DRDOs, Mints, Nuclear Energy, Oil, Power, Ports, Prasar Bharti (AIR & Doordarshan Kendras) Railways, Refineries, Space, Ship Building, Telecom & various vital Research Centres & Laboratories and conducted numerous Industrial Security & Disaster Management Training Programs, Seminars, Workshops & Exhibitions & interacted with numerous Ministries, Departments & NGOs and undertaken Industrial Security Audits, Reviews, Training & Advice in Disaster Management & handling of IEDs & Explosives. He has vast experience in the management of the Human Resources, Training & Development, Liaison, Fire Fighting, Logistics, Equipment & Material Management, Strategic Decision-Making Process, clearance of Maps & Aerial Photography (GIS), Explosives handling, Industrial Security & Disaster Management. He is physically, mentally and attitudinally sound having good communication skills to undertake Industrial Security Consultancy, IED handling, Coordination & Liaison Assignments to add to the productivity of the Organisation. He can also organise discreet customised intelligence gathering & surveillance operations on a turnkey basis for his clients. He is a prolific writer written numerous articles on industrial security, national and geostrategic security issues and 5 books- KUMAONI Nostalgia, Industrial and Infrastructure Security in 2 volumes, Soldier Mountaineer (biography of international mountaineer Col Narender Kumar 'Bull' and Reminiscing Battle of Rezang La. *Views are personal.

Pakistani-supported terrorists are able to infiltrate and exfiltrate in small groups with the local support of pro-Pakistan elements through the use of money bribes, as the international border (IB) is situated closer to villages and habitations in the Jammu Region, which is characterized by thick jungles and lack of roads and tracks. To enhance border security, we should consider relocating villages 10-15 kilometers away from the International Border, creating a buffer zone that would expose infiltrators and make it easier for security forces to detect and intercept them in daylight. There should be no hut that provides sanctuary to terrorists, even in remote fields. This will result in the militants receiving less local logistical support and intelligence.

Real-time intelligence is a big issue. Usually, double agents provide stale inputs to the other side and our various Central Police organizations (CPOs) and the armed forces. Our external and internal intelligence agencies forward collected real-time intelligence to their headquarters located in Delhi. The Corps and Command Headquarters are involved in counter-insurgency operations located locally in their areas of operation. Human Intelligence (HUMANINT), Satellite Intelligence (SATINT), Technical Intelligence (TECHINT), cyber security, choppers, drones, and AI need investment and upgradation under the overall operational commander, who should receive real-time actionable intelligence directly with no loss of time to act against terrorists.

In conventional exercises in operations and logistical support, such as large convoys traveling on a single road or track, are suicidal. Vehicular movements should be prohibited until road opening parties (ROPs) have secured the heights and probable ambush sites along the route. Surveillance and intelligence are critical, but for immediate operational logistical support, missions necessitate extensive use of helicopters and drones.

Hindus must return to Kashmir valley. There are three elements in our local population – pro-Pakistani, pro-India, and those sitting on the fence. While pro-Pakistan elements must be isolated and prosecuted, the pro-Indian elements are protected, and those sitting on the fence are won over by genuine developments, the creation of jobs, well-meaning psychological war themes, and winning the hearts and minds of people. Corruption and corrupt bureaucrats & administrators must be dealt with severely, and AFSPA (Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958), if need be used appropriately.

It is essential to establish a Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS) in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) that is dedicated to the exclusive refinement of operations to meet the unique operational, intelligence, and logistical requirements of the security forces in J&K. Counter-insurgency operations (CI ops) in J&K are characterized by significant disparities in training and perception.

Any escalation of a war-like situation would mean the Chinese siding with Pakistanis. We need to counter it. Pakistan must be told bluntly that we can reverse our policy of no first use of nuclear weapons if our security is threatened to the threshold. Pakistan must be made to realize that if they don’t stop their nefarious activities, India will be forced to interfere in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), Frontier Province, Sindh & Baluchistan.

India has to be on a diplomatic spree like we were before the 1971 War, exposing Pakistan’s nefarious designs with Chinese support. Both pro-active economic & diplomatic warfare must isolate Pakistan, bringing it to its knees.

Our national security imperatives require tough, professional decisions; knee-jerk reactions are an utter waste of effort and limited resources.

Last but not least, assembly elections must be conducted. Any postponement means falling into the Pakistani trap.

The truth is never acknowledged or told. The Fact is that army units are all short of their authorized strength. Operational manpower is further depleted due to the increased frontages /areas of responsibility, where troops are deployed in penny packet posts and barely able to hold on to their posts, putting them in a reactive mode. The initiative of when, where, and how to strike is with the terror groups.

The Formation Commanders are only interested in their 12-18 month tenures passing off without incident, hence minimal action to unravel embedded terrorism and their sympathizers in the local population unless there is an incident. We need to closely monitor the floating Gujjar and Bakarwal populations who have intimate knowledge of terrain and security forces deployed around and part these inputs to our adversaries for some monetary bribes.

Pro-Pakistan elements rumor-mongering against our government is supported by Pakistan through social media, inciting masses to mob violence and taking law into their own hands, killing/lynching lone SFs personnel or law, abiding citizens creating fear and suspicion in our society and viewed adversely by human rights activists in restless society suffering heavily from unemployment and inflation. Military operations, along with people’s friendly development, creation of jobs, health, and education, will pay rich dividends when implemented with proper psywar themes.

But PM Narendra Modi and his National Security Advisor (NSA) dominated cohorts are more interested in micro-managing military operations (as they do with Police action).

Relentless action within our borders and also Importantly, on the militant bases across the border is a “necessity.” Being bled by a thousand cuts must be met by bleeding the other side with a million cuts. Our Combat effectiveness and bravery don’t lie in how many of our Bravehearts died but in how many enemies and terrorists our SFs have killed with no self-losses.

Many things need to be done. But who is really interested in national security? Corrupt politicians, even more corrupt bureaucrats, or the corrupt police. Soldiers will continue to be the fodder for this nation, providing breaking news occasionally to the pliable media.


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